Wednesday 6th November

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  • Christopher Stocks - The Book of Wild Flowers - Reflections on Favourite Plants

    This essential wild flower selection – illustrated by Angie Lewin – is the history and science of the nation’s wild flowers. Author and journalist, Christopher Stocks offers both fascinating and unusual insights into a range of flowering plants alongside guidance on where to find them and how to cultivate them. This special study of our blooming British countryside will appeal to everyone who loves wild flora.

    in conversation with Rachel James Priority booking - Become a Friend - Contact TIC Bridport to book tickets - 01308 424901
    When: Wednessday 6th November 2024 @ 10.30 am
    Where: The Bull Ballrooom
    Sponsored by: Jim Bartos
  • SOLD OUT - Michael Sheridan -  The Red Emperor - Xi Jinping and the New China

    Xi Jinping rules over 1.4 billion people and the second biggest economy on earth. He commands huge armed forces and runs a technology programme which claims to dominate the globe. His ambition is to take the place of the United States and to change the world order. Xi’s life is full of drama: plots, purges, power struggles and a pandemic. Michael Sheridan charts the rise of the isolated China of the 1950s to the modern economic and military juggernaut of today.

    in conversation with Paul Lashmar

    Priority booking - Become a Friend - Contact TIC Bridport to book tickets - 01308 424901
    When: Wednesday 6th November 2024 @ 12 noon
    Where: The Bull Ballroom
  • SOLD OUT - Lucy Hughes-Hallett - The Scapegoat - The Brilliant Brief Life of the Duke of Buckingham

    Award winning biographer, Lucy Hughes-Hallett, charts the meteoric rise and fall of James I’s favourite, the Duke of Buckingham. She transports us, with a novelist’s touch, into a courtly world of masques and dancing, gorgeous clothes, the art of Rubens and Van Dyck, genderfluidity, sex and appallingly rudimentary medicine. Lucy explores the beginnings of the Enlightenment, print media and public opinion as a political force and charts the vivid personalities of Buckingham, canny James I and doomed Charles I.

    an illustrated talk

    Priority booking - Become a Friend - Contact TIC Bridport to book tickets - 01308 424901
    When: Wednesday 6th November 2024 @ 2.00 pm
    Where: The Bull Ballroom
    Sponsored by: Sue Robinson
  • SOLD OUT - Rose Boyt - Naked Portrait - A Memoir of Lucian Freud

    At the back of a cupboard not long after the death of her father, Rose Boyt came across a box containing hundreds of typed pages, immediately recognisable as her half-forgotten diary of 1989/1990. Naked Portrait is a searing memoir of her relationship with her renowned father, Lucian, and explores her experience sitting for him from childhood until after her marriage. It is a viscerally honest account of a complicated father/ daughter relationship, of its power imbalance and her adulation of him.

    in conversation with Annie Freud and Caroline Montagu

    When: Wednesday 6th November 2024 @ 4.00 pm
    Where: The Bull Ballroom
  • SOLD OUT - John Bowers KC - Downward Spiral - Collapsing Public Standards and How to Restore Them

    The Johnson era will be remembered for a series of scandals that severely eroded trust in the British Government. But this is not the overall reason for the decline in public standards. John Bowers fearlessly examines the institutions responsible for holding the government accountable, exposing how they have been bypassed by prime ministers and how the next goverment can and should restore integrity. Confronting failings presents concrete proposals for creating a more transparent and accountable system for those in power.

    in conversation with Paul Lashmar

    Priority booking - Become a Friend - Contact TIC Bridport to book tickets - 01308 424901
    When: Wednesday 6th November 2024 @ 6.00 pm
    Where: The Bull Ballroom
    Sponsored by: Lindsay and Martin Bowdery
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