Event 18

Wednesday 6th November 2024 | 12 noon

Event 18 | Michael Sheridan | The Red Emperor


SOLD OUT – Michael Sheridan –  The Red Emperor – Xi Jinping and the New China

Xi Jinping rules over 1.4 billion people and the second biggest economy on earth. He commands huge armed forces and runs a technology programme which claims to dominate the globe. His ambition is to take the place of the United States and to change the world order. Xi’s life is full of drama: plots, purges, power struggles and a pandemic. Michael Sheridan charts the rise of the isolated China of the 1950s to the modern economic and military juggernaut of today.

in conversation with Paul Lashmar

Priority booking – Become a Friend – Contact TIC Bridport to book tickets – 01308 424901

When: Wednesday 6th November 2024 @ 12 noon
Where: The Bull Ballroom


Michael Sheridan first reported from Hong Kong and C hina in June 1989 and laterserved as the Far East correspondent of the Sunday Times for 20 years, covering the riseof China, the handover of Hong Kong in 1997 and the city’s struggle for democracy.Earlier he worked for Reuters, ITN and the Independent, reporting on war in the MiddleEast, global diplomacy and European politics, with postings in Rome, Beirut andJerusalem. His work has also appeared in the Spectator, Tablet and Vanity Fair.

Dr Paul Lashmar is a Reader in Journalism at City, University of London and is a former Head of the Department (2019-2021). Paul Lashmar has been an investigative journalist on the staff of The Observer, Granada Television’s World in Action current affairs series and The Independent. He is married with two sons and lives in Bridport. He is writing an unauthorised History of the Drax family of Charborough Park. Recent books: Lashmar P (2020) Spies, Spin and the Fourth Estate: British Intelligence and the Media. Edinburgh University Press; De Burgh H and Lashmar P (2021)(eds) Investigative Journalism. London: Routledge (3rd ed).

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